柯维杯:新濠天地app新濠天地app最近的传统 - 新濠天地app大学-新濠天地app


Picture of 柯维杯:新濠天地app新濠天地app最近的传统

If you’ve ever been to 新濠天地app大学 in the fall, you’ve almost definitely heard of 柯维杯. 很多人都不知道,这不是它的全名. Covey实际上是Covenanter的缩写. The Covenanter Cup was started in 2011 by a previous Residence 生活 director. 如果你是数学专业的, 这可能会让你数着手指问自己, “这不是第十届柯维杯吗??“现在我不是丹巴赫教授了, but I feel confident enough to say that it is indeed (at least) the tenth annual, 甚至可能是第十一个, 柯维杯, 周五开始, 9月. 17, 2021. 

为了纪念这个激动人心的里程碑, here are ten reasons the recent tradition called 柯维杯 is important to Geneva. 

  1. “柯维杯 was the first time I got to interact with upperclassmen as peers and I loved it; day full of fun.——miguel Delacruz, 24岁 
  2. “Seeing the Richardson boys walk into 柯维杯 all dressed up, 上面有一面旗子,上面有一个灯罩, 播放音乐, 是我永远不会忘记的事吗!——山姆·斯蒂尔,22岁 
  3. “My top two memories would be 皮尔斯 winning my freshman year and then last year, 理查森家参加了每一项比赛. 尽管输了,但还是很酷.——尼克·施米格,23岁 
  4. “我去年参加柯维杯的经历非常有趣. You get to do so many activities that include everyone and everything. Last year I competed in Mario Kart and, though I didn’t make it through, I still had the best time!——凯特琳·麦卡利斯特《24 
  5. “It gives me a whole day to cheer for my residents and be their biggest hype man.——natalia Carazas, 22岁 
  6. “Last year, I was in quarantine for two weeks and I was released right before 柯维杯. Participating in 柯维杯 was magical because it was the first time I was able to be with other people for over two weeks. There’s nothing like a good friendly competition with other people as they cheer you on and you cheer them on, especially because we all have good attitudes and the ability to laugh with each other and grow closer through making fun memories together.——瑞恩·艾森胡斯,23岁 
  7. “我最喜欢的时刻是玩九方棋. Clearcechardson(克拉克, 皮尔斯, 和理查森)勉强输给了Yarms (Young and Arms), 但它仍然超级有趣.——马蒂根·伯利(24岁 
  8. “I love the idea of 柯维杯 just because of the camaraderie that it influences. Watching a whole residence hall flock to a sync-swim or Mario Kart tournament and cheer their fellow hall-mates along is something I fondly look upon.——michael Guile, 22岁 
  9. “I played Mario Kart for 柯维杯 last year and it was a good time. I played with a bunch of guys that play a ton of Mario Kart on the Wii so it was pretty competitive.——伊森·史密斯,24岁 
  10. “从大一开始,我肯定有很多美好的回忆. I don’t think I actually signed up for anything except maybe World Cup soccer, but then Clarke ended up needing more people for ultimate frisbee and I had a blast with that. 不过我最喜欢的部分是看花样游泳, 我在奥运会上看到过,但不是作为舞蹈项目. I remember laughing my head off at the upperclassmen, while also thinking they were really cool. 此后的每一年, 我总是一定要参加, but my freshman year always held a special place in my heart.——秋·汉克勒《21

很明显, 最近的新濠天地app传统, 柯维杯, 在新一代学生身上留下了印记吗, and hopefully it will continue to impact others for years to come. Students can get involved with this year’s event by talking to their RAs or the Center for Student Engagement. 

新濠天地app大学 is a Christ-centered academic community that provides a best value education as a private, 以职业为重点的基督教文科机构. 更多信息请联系招生处 admissions@lfkgw.com or 800-847-8255.

——mj greathhouse(24岁 

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