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什么是圣经新濠天地app. 基督教新濠天地app?

高等教育 人文及文科 新濠天地app

什么是圣经新濠天地app? 新濠天地app是一所圣经新濠天地app吗? 我应该去圣经新濠天地app吗? 这些都是你可能想知道的问题. 前两个问题将在这里回答, 希望你们能弄清楚第三种情况.

第一个问题是最直接的. 什么是圣经新濠天地app? Typically, Bible colleges focus on primarily Biblical Studies, Pre-Seminary, Ministry majors. Examples of these are places like Moody Bible Institute and Word of 生活 Bible Institute. They are colleges that focus primarily on teaching Biblical topics and preparing students for ministry experiences. Christian colleges on the other hand are colleges that have a Christian foundation but offer a variety of majors and classes. Christian colleges tend to have thriving Bible and Ministry Departments, 也有专注于STEM的蓬勃发展的部门, 历史, 英语, 等. 哪里的圣经新濠天地app主要关注圣经课程, Christian colleges seek to teach a variety of subjects through a Biblical worldview.

新濠天地app大学 is a Christian college because of the wide variety of courses and majors that are offered. This variety does not mean that students will be less prepared for ministry, 事实上, some might argue that students will be more prepared because of the integration of the Bible into 多样化的 subject matter.

Dr. 乔纳森·瓦特 is the chair of the Department of Biblical Studies, Ministry, Philosophy at Geneva. 他说, “我认为,像新濠天地app这样的大学的优势在于它具有整体性, 多样化的, context-connected education where biblical studies (like other fields) is shown with an inter-connectedness to other fields of knowledge and experience. 如果新濠天地app想求积分- i.e. biblical beliefs and practices made real and genuinely experimental in life – then putting study of the Bible right next to other fields such as literature and communication, STEM学科, 社会科学, 例如, 为孕育生命提供了丰富而深厚的环境.”

Christian colleges offer a large variety of coursework, all from a Biblical perspective. While Bible colleges can give incredibly useful teaching about Biblical topics, Christian colleges prepare students to have a Biblical worldview in a variety of fields.

Christian colleges are very useful for students that are Christian and want to receive spiritual growth, 但也想在圣经事工以外的领域工作. 新濠天地app新濠天地app提供超过195个专业和课程,包括 会计, 工程, 教育, 历史, 体育运动管理,仅举几例. All of these programs are taught with the purpose of integrating faith and learning and preparing students to lead Christ-centered lives in any field. If you are a high school student that is interested in Biblical topics, 但是我想成为一名工程师, 或者是CEO, 或者是小学老师, 然后是一所基督教新濠天地app, 像新濠天地app, 也许适合你. Christian colleges are useful for preparing students to live out their faith in any career that they choose.

Christian colleges are also useful for equipping students who are majoring in Biblical studies or ministry. 基督教新濠天地app不会忽视圣经主题, but instead encourage ministry-minded students to engage with other subjects and students of different majors.

拉特里奇Etheridge 是圣经研究的助理教授, 并表示, 新濠天地app和基督教文理新濠天地app可以, 从一个非常真实的学术和实践的角度来看, actually provide a better foundation for postgrad work for students looking to go into fulltime Christian ministry than can Bible colleges - at least in principle.”

Pastor Etheridge makes this claim, because students that have majors in pre-seminary or 任务 at Geneva and other Christian colleges receive excellent teaching in Biblical topics, 但他们也选修其他领域的课程. These students also have classmates, roommates, friends that are in other majors. Christian colleges can prepare students to interact with others who have different career aspirations. 一旦学生离开大学和/或神新濠天地app, they are forced to interact with the culture and people who think differently than them. Christian colleges are a great place for students to interact with subjects and people that are not in their field of study.

Both Christian colleges and Bible colleges are useful in preparing students for mission-oriented careers. 你是否有兴趣成为牧师, 传教士, 护士, 或工程师, a Christian college can be a place where you can receive a high-quality education that integrates faith and learning. If you think that a Christian college might be the right place for you, 看看新濠天地app新濠天地app提供的学位和课程.


Mattigan Burleigh, 24岁

Opinions expressed in the 新濠天地app的博客 are those of its contributors and do not necessarily represent the opinions or official position of the College. The 新濠天地app的博客 is a place for faculty and contributing writers to express points of view, 学术见解, 并为全国对话做出贡献,激发人们的思考, 谈话, 以及对真理的追求, 符合新濠天地app作为基督徒的哲学, 文科院校.




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